Monday, March 11, 2013


They may have come from the same production house, but their sleeping habits highly differ from one another.

i have to show you as it is

trying to gnaw his way out
The son has been sleeping very well since birth. Give him milk and its total zonked for him. The kid? He sleeps like he is on high alert anytime.

A slight rustling and he stirs. I hold my breath. A hushed whisper and he stirs. I hold my breath. A tiny weeny little creak of the door and he stirs. I hold my breath. A sudden shout from the big bro and he awakens! I let out my breath and spew all sorts of vulgarities.

And the poor son has also never been more shushed at. And I've never really been more colourful in my language of vulgarities after I've become a mother. Do you? Or it's just me?

And also, nothing irks me more when I have to smell filthy second hand cigarettes' smoke of people puffing in front of me. I WANT MY FRESH AIR AND I WANT IT FRESH!!

And also also, what is it with people who went trigger happy with their perfume bottles in the mornings too? I WANT MY FRESH AIR AND I WANT IT CLEAN!!

And also also also, I meant for this post to be about my children's sleeping habits, and not about my angry rant.

I am ashamed of myself.

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